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.... This competitive parenting is a great way for us women to get status over one another. I mean, it really works. Listen to this ... One day, I was in a shoe shop, and my little two-year-old son offered another little boy one of his organics herby puff things, right? And the boy's mother screamed. I mean, she actually screamed a proper scream, like this ... "AAgghhhhhhhaaahhhhhhhh .. !!!!!" ... in a shoe shop, at a tiny, inanimate piece of puffed wheat. This is what middle-class London mothers do. They scream at the sight of an unidentified snack approaching their child. Am I missing something? Have they found horse meat in baby puffs now as well?

Source : BBC Radio 4; "Comedy of the Week" comedy: Bridget Christie Mind's The Gap: 18 March 13 http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/comedy comedy_20130318-0400a.mp3 (9:43-10:48)